I remeber when it wasn't "cool" to play video games but now there seems to be a huge influx of gaming because of Modern Warfare. It was cool at first that video gaming was now getting some recognition albiet its mostly on about one or two games (modern warfare 2 and possibly Battlefield now) All i end up hearing is story after story of all these amazing scenrios that apparntly happened to players.
I am not saying that their lying per say but a lot of the stories are videos that you can find on youtube. I don't like how all you ever hear about is these epic moments of domination a.k.a Pwning the h e double hockey sticks out of "n00bs". when the majority of your playtime is you getting one or two kills than skipping the kill cam, spawning and running back to the exact same spot you just got killed in order to get a payback kill.
If you have a awesome story thats cool tell us about it but don't over emphasis it and say it every day. This game is just like halo 3 play it enough and something amazing is bound to happen.
first of all modern warfare is a horrible game.
now there are mods
fix your game infinity ward