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Thursday, June 3, 2010


I was gonna make a DBZ wallapaper of Kaioken but saw that there was already an amazing one so I decided to just add more to it I put in more images and blended them into the background.

Cool Word Text Tutorial I Did

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010


I thought that I had posted my Goanimate but I'm not sure anymore but just to be safe I will post it here again one more time.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Lyric Story

Dead Man Walking

His skin warmed as the flames from the burning village licked across the air de voiding the air of oxygen, taking an inhale of breath he felt his lungs burn as the smoke rushed through him. His eyes swept across the devastation that had been laid across the people of this unsuspecting village. They had given no warning to the people; they washed across them like a locust bearing fire. There was no resistance no shots returned; simply an unjustified slaughter, There would be no one to bury the dead. Sometimes he wondered just how sadistic his commanders really were but then again it wasn’t his job to think his job was annihilation and today he did one hell of a job.

“Pack it in boys time to go back to camp.”

One Week Later

Solemnly they trudged back through the hellish uneven terrains wearily looking out for any foxholes or camouflaged Charlie. As they crested a hill the man turned his eyes back taking in the catastrophe that he and his men had left in their wake, black clouds of smoke still billowed out from behind the tree line that barred the village they had just torn asunder from sight. As the smoke lifted up he could hear the assault of voices in his head of those he had killed in a tongue that he did not know but none the less understood alas the voices fell on deaf ears as he already had his back to the destruction and continued the march back to base camp where he could enjoy a nice restful sleep.

Three Weeks later

The sharp toe of a boot dug into his ribs as he ruefully left the blanket of sleep.

“Wake up ol’e Dead Eyes, were moving out.” When the jabbing continued Dead Eyes stopped feigning sleep and caught the man’s boot on the next attempt. Eyes blearily stared up to the man whose foot he held tightly only to be greeted by a smirk.

“I’d hate to be the Charlie who thinks they can get a jump on you.” With a snort Dead Eyes released the man’s foot and rolled over to face the other side.

“What’s the point it’s properly just another village to raze, another stain on our soiled hands.”

This time it was the other mans turn to snort.

“And since when did you develop a conscious.” An awkward silence filled the near desolate bunker till finally Dead Eyes gravelly voice broke it.

“When I realized I had more in common with the dead than the living.”

Four Months Later

Another day, another routine mission, his troop idly sat by in the bunker on standby after their latest mission. “One day you’re going to get yourself and us killed Dead Eyes, the way you’re doing this missions it’s as if you don’t care if we come back alive or dead.” All the troops in the bunker solemnly agreed they had indeed done their latest mission with barely any caution.

“Were still walking aren’t we?” Dead Eyes reinforced his indifference to the situation as he cupped the back of his head with his hands and leisurely turned to the side.

“Yeah were still walking and were alive but you, you mine as well be dead the way you’re doing things lately.” A sardonic laugh resonated from Dead Eyes bunk “Oh yes, a dead man walking.”

8 hours later

The forest came to live as splinters flew across the air as bullets slammed into trees. The ground became fertilized by the blood of his enemies and his allies. The ground shook as a fragmentation grenade detonated nearby sending dirt all over the area. The battle had been an unsuspected one, the Charlie were good at that kind of thing popping in out of foliaged areas and taking them by surprise was a common occurrence now a days. Dead Eyes eye’s slowly took in what happened not feeling any difference in emotion whether his eyes found a dead body of the people who had been the only people he had contact with for the past couple of months or that of the enemy. His eyes came to rest at the corpse that lay at his feet. Bending down he gazed into the man’s glazed over white eyes.

“Well old friend it seems we have more in common now than we ever did, the only difference between me and you is that I’m still walking.” The sounds of the Charlie reinforcement roused him from his silent inspection of the corpse. “Well old friend I’m off to get the final nail in my coffin” brandishing his weapon Dead Eyes walked towards the oncoming Charlie and into a world of fire and lead.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Song lyrics

So far I am thinking about doing mine off the song Dark Saga by Iced earth

I feel like the lyrics give good inspiration and even set up a gernal plot line to use a video with the lyrics is below and under it a link with just the lyrics.

I am also leaning towards a song that I have just recently began to listen to. Though the actually singing of the song most likely won’t cater to everyone’s taste I find the gruesome lyrics to be quite inspirational for writing a story which has a darker intent than most. The Song’s name is Dead Man Walking by Bloodsimple

Monday, May 10, 2010

May Project

I am currently undecided on what project to do. I would like to do the my life project but I fear that I have a lack of photos with me in them in order to make the video actually work. If possible I would like to make a video and instead of just using photos of me in them use photos of things that defined my life as I grew up. Such as put photos of things that played a major role in certain times of my life such as a show that I always watched or a video game that I spent the majority of my time on something like that. The animate project seems like it would be pretty easy and that the only hard part would be coming up with a story. I would have liked to make the story that me and my group had just written into an animated story but it is most definitely not PG. Also for the life story video I feel like having it done without pictures of say your graduation would seem unfitting I think it would be nice to have the video end with photos of you graduating wrapping up the whole chapter of high school.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Collaberative Writing Thoughts

I thought that this assignment was pretty cool with how we got to write our own stories and got to learn how to use a new way to possibly work with people you can only talk to on the internet. I thought that the main problem with the assignment was that the way my group did ours that I had to constantly wait for other people to do their version of the story in order to have mine fit in with it because I had to inter weave my character through all the events of the other people. That and with a sketchy due date which was nice also caused some issues as I don't think we managed to safely get everything done because once people had changed and contiuned their's I would have to go back to mine and make sure that it matched up with theirs by either adding something or deleting things or working specific dialouge into a scene. Overall it was a nice introduction to the class which helped show us what kind of things that we will most likely being doing and also let us get to know some of our classmates through their style of writing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Collabraitive Writing

I think that a screenplay will be too hard to make with keeping 30+ students ideas and opinions in mind, eventually it will just be a few people who will be willing to still give ideas while the rest just sit there. Poetry or a children's story seem to be the easiest to do given the simplicity of it. Poem's can be interepeted many ways and can be mashed together so long as they have a central theme to them really. Writing a story will be hard without careful planning and letting people know how the page before them goes. Right now I am to tired to even begin to think how to even go about this, if were going to have the small groups eventually all combine their pieces I doubt it will go over smoothly but if each small group is just making their own little colab story than I suppose It won't be too bad.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Email Etiquette

Make Sure To Have A Meaningful Subject Line
-Let Them Know What It Is For

Use Standard And Correct Spelling, Punctuation, And Capitalization
-Use Microsoft Word (Copy it in Word, Paste In Email)
-Nothing Worse Than A Message In All Caps

Be Careful When Using Jokes
-Humor Can Be Hard To Come Across The Right Way

Responding To Messages
-Try to Respond In A Timely Manner
-Never Send An Attachment To Someone You Haven't Contacted Before
-Make Sure To Have An Anti Virus Software
-Avoid Unecessary Large Files If You Have To Inform Them What The File Is

Social Media Revolution

I thought that this video had some cool effects and that they must have put a considerable amount of time and effort on this. I think the way they had the information displayed really helped keep the viewers attention and emphasized how far technology has come. I also think that the choice of song was a good one "Right Here, Right Now" I believe is the title of the song and it gives a background presence of the fact that this is what is happening right now, it's not in the distant future but fast and approaching. The way that they helped show the meaning of the information was good as well such as how they said how many people were on facebook and than went and showed that if it was a country that it would be the fourth largest population wise. I whole heartidly believe that newspapers will eventually disapear as I myself forget that they even exisit for the most part only remebering them when I see some mail sticking out.

Social Media is a big thing now and will be even more so down the road it has already played a big role in my generation and it can only effect more to come. It will be wierd to see all the things that I did as a teen that were once so cutting edge be reduced to the equivilant of oh lets say dial up. *shudders*

Friday, April 16, 2010

Free Writing Activity

I remeber when it wasn't "cool" to play video games but now there seems to be a huge influx of gaming because of Modern Warfare. It was cool at first that video gaming was now getting some recognition albiet its mostly on about one or two games (modern warfare 2 and possibly Battlefield now) All i end up hearing is story after story of all these amazing scenrios that apparntly happened to players.

I am not saying that their lying per say but a lot of the stories are videos that you can find on youtube. I don't like how all you ever hear about is these epic moments of domination a.k.a Pwning the h e double hockey sticks out of "n00bs". when the majority of your playtime is you getting one or two kills than skipping the kill cam, spawning and running back to the exact same spot you just got killed in order to get a payback kill.

If you have a awesome story thats cool tell us about it but don't over emphasis it and say it every day. This game is just like halo 3 play it enough and something amazing is bound to happen.